Scripture Study

Why does the Book of Mormon have so much war in it? This is a question I seem to repeatedly ask myself. As I was doing my scripture study I had a thought. We are always at war. We are at war with so many things in our lives. We are at war with the […]

Rags to Mermaid

Ok so I am the worst at taking before and after pictures so this is the best before picture that I took. In the summer time my kids and I like to look for treasures at garage sales. They call Saturdays the “Garage sale day”. I know I know I don’t know if that’s a […]

The Savior

I heard this poem, author unknown, in sacrament meeting from a return missionary, and loved it so much that I needed a copy out their for all to hear. Enjoy! I heard about the Savior while at church and in my home. He’s the one who conquered death, they said. The King of heaven’s throne. […]

Kanela Adamson Christensen

Hi I’m Kanela, I am the fourth child. I married a Hawaiian white boy with Utah ties and ended back in Utah. We have one little boy who is a busy body and gives me a run for my money. We love to do basically anything outdoors our go to favorites in Utah are hiking, […]

Keya Adamson Jenkins

Hi I’m Keya, I am the oldest daughter so naturally I am the “second mother” to my younger siblings. Here’s my life in a nutshell. I am married to a firefighter paramedic who is also a nurse and who is studying to become a Nurse Practitioner. He is a very busy man and I don’t […]

Pati Cortez Adamson

Hi I’m Pati. Why Ironrodwoman? Well my soul was “quickened” (awakened) by something that happened to my family that I wasn’t expecting and that I didn’t know how to deal with. My youngest daughter told us that she was a transgender and that rocked my world. I turned to the world for answers. That didn’t […]

Kassia Adamson Lee

Hi I’m Kassia, I am the “Hippie” of the family and love it. We say that I’m the hippie because my family and I are Vegans and we have our babies at home. Yes you read that right we choose to have our babies in the comfort of our home and yes everything turned out […]